Resumen de publicaciones y resultados clínicos

  • Sensibilidad cutánea

Effect of the Avène Spring Water on the Dynamics of Lipids in the Membranes of Cultured Fibroblasts

A. Petit, L. Dubertret
Skin Pharmacology
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  • Sensibilidad cutánea

Immuno-modulation induced by Avène spring water on Th1- and Th2-dependent cytokine production in healthy subjects and atopic dermatitis patients

Portales P, Aries MF, Licu D, Pinton J, Hernandez-Pion C, Gall Y, Dupuy P, Charveron M, Clot J.
Skin Pharmacol Physiol
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  • Sensibilidad cutánea

Molecular Characterization of Inflammation and Staphylococcus aureus Colonization of Involved Skin of Atopic Dermatitis Patients

Casas C, Ginisty H, Alvarez-Georges S, Viodé C, Lejeune O, Rouvrais C, Schmitt AM, Redoulès D
Skin Pharmacol Physiol
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  • Sensibilidad cutánea

Effect of Avène Spring Water on the Activation of Rat Mast Cell by Substance P or Antigen

Joly F, Charveron M, Aries MF, Bidault J, Kahhak L, Beauvais F, Gall Y.
Skin Pharmacol Appl Skin Physiol
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  • Sensibilidad cutánea

Variability of enzyme markers during clinical regression of atopic dermatitis

Tarroux R, Assalit MF, Licu D, Périé JJ, Redoulès D
Skin Pharmacol Appl Skin Physiol
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  • Sensibilidad cutánea

Beneficial effects of spraying a Thermal Spring Water after Fractional Photothermolysis in patients with Dermal Melasma

Barolet D, Lussier I, Mery S, Merial-Kieny C.
Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology
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