Resumen de publicaciones y resultados clínicos

  • Acné

Microcomedones in non-lesional acne prone skin New orientations on comedogenesis and its prevention

F. Fontao, M. von Engelbrechten, C. Seilaz, O. Sorg, J.H. Saurat
The Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
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  • Acné

Lipid Droplet Proteins in Acne Skin: A Sound Target for the Maintenance of Low Comedogenic Sebum and Acne-Prone Skin Health

O. Sorg, T. Nocera, F. Fontao, N. Castex-Rizzi, L. Garidou, C. Lauze, J. Le Digabel, G. Josse and J-H. Saurat
JID innovation
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  • Acné

Long-Term Use of Silybum marianum fruit extract Contributes to Homeostasis in Acne-Prone Skin—A 12 Month Follow-Up International “Real Life” Cohort Study

Jean-Hilaire Saurat, Pascal Reygagne, Gwendal Josse, Zhorha Hamidou, Sophie Bianovici, Francoise Ramel, Elizabeth Durbise, Chiara Lovati, Eleonora Bellani, Dorota Bystrzanowska, Ewa Chlebus, Elzbieta Kowalska-Oledzka, Guillaume D’Auzers, et al
Journal of Personalized Medicine
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  • Envejecimiento cutáneo

Efficacy of a Dermocosmetic Serum Combining Bakuchiol and Vanilla Tahitensis Extract to Prevent Skin Photoaging in vitro and to Improve Clinical Outcomes for Naturally Aged Skin

Daniel Bacqueville, Anne Maret, Maïté Noizet, Laure Duprat, Christine Coutanceau, Victor Georgescu, Sandrine Bessou-Touya, Hélène Duplan
Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology
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  • Sensibilidad cutánea

In vitro characterization and clinical evaluation of skin hydration by two formulations mimicking the skin’s natural components

C. Jacques-Jamin, S. Rattier, P. Bianchi, T. B. Angerer, G. Frache, L. Cattuzzato, L. Perrin, A. Villaret, V. Duran, J. Noharet, A. Rouquier, S. Bessou-Touya, C. Bidan, H. Duplan
The Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
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  • Sensibilidad cutánea

Specific protection of sensitive skin against environmental stress by maintenance and improvement of barrier function

C. Viodé, A. Rouquier, C. Mias, E. Questel, S. Bessou-Touya, H. Duplan
The Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
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