Synthèse de publications et de résultats cliniques

  • Oncologie

Efficacité d’un programme de soins cutanés global à base d’hydrothérapie après un traitement pour un cancer du sein non métastatique : une étude randomisée contrôlée

Dalenc F, Ribet V, Rossi AB, Guyonnaud J, Bernard-Marty C, de Lafontan B, Salas S, Ranc Royo AL, Sarda C, Levasseur N, Massabeau C, Levecq JM, Dulguerova P, Guerrero D, Sibaud V
European Journal of Cancer Care
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  • Cicatrisation

A novel dermo-cosmetic product containing thermal spring water, sucralfate, copper sulfate, and zinc sulfate in the management of hand eczema

V. Ribet, E. Mielewczyk, A. Sirvent, V. Georgescu, AB. Rossi
Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology
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  • Cicatrisation

Tolerance of the association sucralfate / Cu-Zn salts in radiation dermatitis

G. De Rauglaudre, A. Courdi, F. Delaby-Chagrin, A. d’Hombres , J.-M. Hannoun-Levi, L. Moureau-Zabotto, A. Richard-Tallet, Y. Rouah, N. Salem, O. Thomas, T. Nocera, S. Mery, C. Merial-Kieny
Annales de dermatologie et de vénéréologie
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  • Acné

Microcomedones in non-lesional acne prone skin New orientations on comedogenesis and its prevention

F. Fontao, M. von Engelbrechten, C. Seilaz, O. Sorg, J.H. Saurat
The Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
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  • Acné

Lipid Droplet Proteins in Acne Skin: A Sound Target for the Maintenance of Low Comedogenic Sebum and Acne-Prone Skin Health

O. Sorg, T. Nocera, F. Fontao, N. Castex-Rizzi, L. Garidou, C. Lauze, J. Le Digabel, G. Josse and J-H. Saurat
JID innovation
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  • Acné

Long-Term Use of Silybum marianum fruit extract Contributes to Homeostasis in Acne-Prone Skin—A 12 Month Follow-Up International “Real Life” Cohort Study

Jean-Hilaire Saurat, Pascal Reygagne, Gwendal Josse, Zhorha Hamidou, Sophie Bianovici, Francoise Ramel, Elizabeth Durbise, Chiara Lovati, Eleonora Bellani, Dorota Bystrzanowska, Ewa Chlebus, Elzbieta Kowalska-Oledzka, Guillaume D’Auzers, et al
Journal of Personalized Medicine
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