Synthèse de publications et de résultats cliniques

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Effect of thermal spring water on human dendritic cell inflammatory response.

Eliasse Y, Galliano MF, Redoules D, Espinosa E
J. Inflamm Res.
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Atopic dermatitis burden scale: creation of a specific burden questionnaire for families.

Meni C, Bodemer C, Toulon A, Merhand S, Perez-Cullell N, Branchoux S, Taïeb C.
The Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
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Comparative benefit of two thermal spring waters after photodynamic therapy procedure

Goldman MP, Merial-Kieny C, Nocera T, Mery S.
J Cosmet Dermatol
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Sensory analysis of four medical spa spring waters containing various mineral concentrations

Bacle I, Meges S, Lauze C, Macleod P, Dupuy P.
International Journal of Dermatology
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Inhibitory effect of Avene spring water on vasoactive intestinal peptide-induced inflammation in surviving human skin

Boisnic S, Branchet-Gumila MC, Segard C.
Int.J. Tissue React. Bioscience
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Calcium and bicarbonate ions mediate the inhibition of mast cell histamine release by Avène spa water.

Joly F, Galoppin, Bordat P, Cousse H, Neuzil E.
Fund Clin Pharmacol
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